
Portal Data Joins

Download copies of the following Portal Teaching Database tables:

Load them into R using read.csv().

  1. Use inner_join() to create a table that contains the information from both the surveys table and the species table.
  2. Use inner_join() twice to create a table that contains the information from all three tables.
  3. Use inner_join() and filter() to get a data frame with the information from the surveys and plots tables where the plot_type is Control.
  4. We want to do an analysis comparing the size of individuals on the Control plots to the Long-term Krat Exclosures. Create a data frame with the year, genus, species, weight and plot_type for all cases where the plot type is either Control or Long-term Krat Exclosure. Only include cases where Taxa is Rodent. Remove any records where the weight is missing.
[click here for output]